I say, I say I say…..

When was the last time you had a stimulating conversation? I’m not even sure what I mean by “stimulating” these days. Conversations usually begin with an exchange of news, don’t they, and develop into a sharing of details about the interesting people we’ve met, the places we’ve been and the experiences we’ve had. But if there aren’t any trees falling in the forest, and there’s no-one around to hear them ….well, you get my drift. There’s absolutely nothing happening in our lives and while we’re all desperate to connect with one another, there’s only so much traction you can get out of your latest Zoom call or Netflix box-set. Actually that’s not strictly true if you consider the elephant in the room. COVID-19 is the main topic of conversation on everyone’s lips - from the moment we wake up in the morning to our nightly check on the latest figures. I went for a walk with one of my best friends yesterday – an intelligent lady with whom I regularly exchange views...