February made me quiver….

That’s a line from American Pie* – one of the least incomprehensible lyrics from the famous 1970s Don McClean song. Though February doesn’t usually make anybody quiver: quite the opposite. It encourages lassitude on the sofa in front of the TV.

But in 2021, February already feels miles better than January.


I’ve been saying all along that January 2021 will be a lowlight, not only of this current year but potentially of our entire lives. Poor Brian – he’s been having to co-exist under my little cloud of gloom since New Year.


But I think we can all agree that January was not a month to look forward to. After the damp squib that was Christmas coupled with the news of another impending national lockdown we had to prepare for 31 days of post-festive fallout with bad weather, no social interaction, no change of scenery and escalating cases all around us.


But it is now February and a corner has definitely been turned. Well, it might actually be more of a bend in the road or even just a slight kink, but something has certainly changed.


For a start, there’s – whisper it – some actual good news. The UK has finally done something right and after splashing the cash early, has managed to secure sufficient vaccine doses for more than 10 million to have already received the jab.


From a personal viewpoint, I’ve allowed myself out again now that case numbers are falling. The other day I went down to the village for the first time since December, and visited three small empty shops at an ungodly hour of the morning. Not exactly taking my life in my hands, but it was a start.


What a joy it was to exchange a word or two with Other People. True, the lady in the butcher’s was irritatingly chipper as usual and the bakery lady was uncommunicative, though smiley (no mask). However, the man in the newsagent’s was much more forthcoming and told me that the vaccination programme for the under 70s had already started around here - which means it can’t be long before Brian and I receive The Call.


On the way home I saw a few purple crocuses breaking through the cold earth and spotted my next-door neighbour pottering about in his front garden. And suddenly it felt as though the warm promise of spring was a real possibility.

*I've just remembered that the word ACTUALLY used in the American Pie lyric was "shiver". Flaming senior moments.


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