Pepying back into history

It’s quite common to read in the lavatory. Isn’t it? People often put magazines and humorous books in the smallest room in the house for family members and visitors to peruse. At least I assume they do. We do, anyway. Though instead of flicking through a joke-book or magazine, I’m currently ploughing my way through the complete dairies of Samuel Pepys. They’re not exactly page-turners if I’m honest. Pepys writes long-winded, turgid accounts of his job in naval admin and intersperses them with updates on his flatulence and occasional testicular discomfort. He also records rather unsavoury details about dalliances with maidservants in pubs. These are often written in French or Spanish, presumably so that no-one reading his diaries in the future would understand or judge. How’s that working out for you, Sam? Anyway, Pepys began writing his diaries in 1663 and after several years of non-events, I’m now up to1665. Which as you history buffs will know was when the...