Not mushroom for optimism?

My instinct to grow things has re-emerged during this latest lockdown.

As I mentioned back in April when germinating my tomatoes (not a euphemism), it makes one’s heart sing to see those determined green shoots fighting their way through the soil. They’re a symbol of hope and expectation in these dark winter days – and winters don’t get much darker than this one. 


Perhaps this was why Brian decided to buy me a grow-your-own-mushroom kit for Christmas. It was the ideal gift for someone who a) likes growing things and b) loves mushrooms, particularly this year when panic-buying and Brexit have left everything in short supply.


Growing mushrooms doesn’t seem to involve a great deal of skill, however. The kit comprises a pile of dirt in a plastic container that you have to “activate”, which basically means taking off the lid. 


You then have to water your dirt every other day until Day 23 when, hey presto! You pick your mushrooms. 


We followed the instructions to the letter. The picture above was taken on Day 23 – Mushroom-Picking Day. 


In case you’re wondering, those promising-looking white dots are actually bits of shingle. I’ve no idea what Brian paid for my present, but he says it was the most expensive pot of mud he’s ever bought. 


If I were a pessimistic person I would look at my fungi-less pile of dirt and consider it to be a metaphor for everything that is wrong with today’s disappointing and anxiety-ridden world. But I choose to look at things the other way. The mushrooms will come: I simply need to keep the faith. Either that or I’ll throw away the pot, move on and add mushrooms to my Asda delivery order. 


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