Januaries don’t come much dryer than this one

I’m finally getting the stir crazies. It’s now late January and Brian and I haven’t seen anyone else or been inside a shop since December 29. And I’ve had enough. I want OUT!


Brian, on the other hand, is rather enjoying the challenge and has likened our current situation to doing Dry January. Well, I’ve done Dry January, and I didn’t like it one bit. It was actually No Booze November in our case, and it started off fairly okay. In fact it was a bit of a novelty at first having to come up with things to do that didn’t involve drink. 


The first weekend we headed out for a curry which was fine, though there was an awkward moment when the waiter offered us a free drink after our meal and we had to refuse.


On the second weekend we went to the cinema – again, a reasonable option. But on Weekend Three we went to Twickenham to watch a rugby match, and that was definitely not a good idea. 


A dry rugby match feels wrong in so many ways. For one thing we were completely at odds with the happy, raucous crowd around us. And the stadium barman actually laughed in our faces when we asked whether he served tea. 


Once we had found our seats we were forced to watch with longing as other spectators weaved in and out of aisles, slopping their delicious beers as they did so. And after the match we had to wend our long, cold way back to the station – a walk that took us past a whole lot of cosy-looking pubs. However, there was no point in stopping for a soft drink which would only have made us feel colder and further removed from the whole sporting experience.


Four weeks in and I’m ready to throw in the towel and head back to the shops. I realise this is tantamount to spoiling the ship for a ha’penny-worth of tar, but it’s MY ship. And a ha’penny-worth of tar is a bargain in any case.


Having said all that, I will probably last the course - just as I did begrudgingly with No Booze November. But I’m not going to enjoy it, and I’ll be willing the days on until Freedom February with the microscopic amount of liberty it will hopefully bring.


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