Turns out the bright side was there all along

I looked in my diary last week for the first time since March. And I didn’t enjoy the experience. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t have to perform any complicated juggling acts to realign my appointments. The week was completely blank – much like every other week, in fact. Looking in my diary was more of a reflex action before confirming another walk with Sue. I don’t use an electronic diary, by the way, nor do I use the calendar on my computer. I find those things infuriating because they decide for themselves what’s important to me, and I can’t for the life of me work out how to remove these “appointments”. So there I am, trying to visualise my week and recalling that I seem to have had engagements written in for the Wednesday and the Friday. But when I check it turns out that Wednesday is Earth Day and Friday marks the birthday of a bloke I met on holiday in 2011. Helpful. But I digress. Why didn’t I enjoy this particular peek inside my old-fashioned 2020 paper diary? Becau...