The great lockdown of 2020 begins

 Last night we received the news we’d all been expecting – but also dreading.

We’re now officially in lockdown. Here in the UK there’ll be no more outdoor recreational activities: instead we will only leave our houses to pick up essential supplies and to get some exercise (though we’re only allowed to do that once a day). So this is basically jail-time - though we haven’t done anything wrong.

How did it come to this? Less than a month ago Brian and I were heading out on holiday to Vietnam – though admittedly we were nervous about the implications of travelling at a time when the virus had started to encroach on China’s neighbours. 

But here we are, just four weeks later and suddenly such a holiday would be unthinkable. Not only have airlines been grounded and countries closed their borders, we aren’t even allowed to travel to the airport – let alone get on a plane.  

We should be devastated. But actually, so far it hasn’t been so bad. Everyone I have spoken to (virtually, of course) seems to be relieved that finally we know exactly what is expected of us. And we can start to get on with this new weird life behind closed doors.

I tried to live-stream that YouTube PE teacher’s channel this morning to start the day on a positive and energetic note. Sadly I failed, but I did manage to catch up with yesterday’s workout and after 30 minutes’ basic “fitness for kids” I was completely knackered. Brian and Robbie are planning their own workout together later, and we’ve caught up with our two other kids (Ben in Switzerland, Josie in Germany) via What’s App today. And our street has just banded together to form a “friends” group to help the vulnerable. Since there are only a dozen or so houses in our street and most of us identify as helpers, I suspect we’ll all be fighting over the vulnerable in a day or two. But it’s a positive move, and a step towards the Big Society.

We’re all in this thing together which is a huge comfort. After all if everyone’s MO, there’s no such thing as FOMO, right?

The sun is shining, we have enough food in the house (for now) and we may even have a few beers tucked away for knocking-down drinks on the terrace later if this spring-like weather continues. We can then drink a toast to next spring when Coronavirusageddon will be a distant memory and we’ll be out in the real world, strolling through the countryside towards our favourite pub. Can’t wait.


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