A tale of two lockdowns

Have I already written a post about the differences between this lockdown and the first? It’s hard to tell in this weird new Groundhog Day world of ours. But in case I haven’t, here goes. • In early 2020 we shared a collective gung-ho spirit which manifested itself in much making-do-and-mending and repeated singing of “We’ll Meet Again”. This year we’re too jaded to mend and have no inclination to sing anything other than “We’ve gotta get out of this place”. • Last year we were all in a state of shock and disbelief. “What do they mean we can’t go on holiday, go to a pub or eat in a restaurant?” This year we’re so accustomed to the “new norm” we can hardly remember a time when we popped into a pub or hopped on a plane whenever the mood took us. • The weather was glorious in spring 2020 and we kept up our spirits up by walking, hiking, running and playing garden games. This year’s lockdown has been a chilly, couch-based affair broken up with t...